















  1. Color: The luster and color of rayon cloth are good. Compared with cotton cloth, rayon cloth is more vivid and beautiful.

  Main products: water-soluble lace, mesh lace, cotton lace, water-soluble embroidery fabric, mesh embroidery fabric, cotton embroidery fabric, flower patch, embroidery collar, corsage, embroidery lace, embroidery lace fabric, mesh embroidery lace fabric, Embroidered flowers, dress lace, lace fabrics, embroidered flower pieces, etc.

  2. Crease: rayon cloth is easy to crease. When you hold the cloth by hand and spread it out, there will be a lot of folds, and it is not easy to restore in time. Although cotton cloth has creases, it is lighter than rayon.

  3. Drapability: The drape of rayon is better, but the drape of cotton is not as good as that of rayon.

  4. Strength: the strength of rayon cloth is lower, not as good as cotton cloth, especially in a humid environment, rayon has poor fastness, when drawing from the edge of the cloth, stretch, rayon is easier to break than cotton. Most of the cotton texture is thick, not as light as pure cotton linen yarn.

  5. Finish: Artificial cotton cloth has a smooth surface, few yarn defects, no impurities, fine and smooth; while cotton shells and impurities can be seen on the surface of cotton cloth, and the finish is not as good as artificial cotton cloth.

  6. ??Yarn count uniformity: The yarn count of rayon fabric is even, with few yarn defects; while the yarn count of pure cotton is not as uniform as rayon, especially for medium coarse cloth.

  7. Hand feeling: No matter the thickness of the rayon fabric, the hand feeling is mostly softer, while the cotton cloth has a slightly rough feel.


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